April 6, 2009

Mike Celebrates the Big 3-0

This weekend Baby Led went to Mike’s (aka daddy) 30th birthday party at 1515 in Walnut Creek. All of the Davidson’s and Lederman’s were in town to celebrate. Good thing Baby Led is still in the womb because daddy wasn’t setting a very good example for baby to be. He had a little bit too much fun on his birthday. I guess you only turn 30 once… I, on the other hand, was very well behaved and stuck to Shirley Temples and water shots. Oh, the joy of pregnancy.

Mike got some really great presents including a newborn size “Giants first t-shirt” and a San Francisco Giants 101 Board Book. Baby Led is going to be a Giants fan whether I like it or not….

Thanks to all of our friends and family for coming out to celebrate. As referenced above, Mike had a REALLY great time.

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