I made this Halloween treat, which I am pretty sure is from Christina Tossi's Momofuku Milk Bar cookbook. I got the recipe online somewhere, but now I can't find it anywhere. Oooops. Either way, pretty yum. I think I want the cookbook. Right up my alley. And ya'll know how I feel about Momofuku Milk Bar treats.
Domi made these little fingers out of puff pastry and roasted tomatoes. Again, yum.
LOVE, love, love Halloween. And it's even more fun now that Nate loves it too. And now that it's over, I get to start Christmas shopping (ummm, who am I kidding, I have been doing that for months).
My baby turned TWO last weekend. He was so excited for his birthday party that he was literally talking about it for weeks. We would wake up to hear him listing off all of the people he could think of that were going to be coming. It went something like this - pa pa Jerry, bamma, pa pa, mimi, gunkle sean, nina, caitlin, tyler...and so on. No offense to anyone he left out - he would randomly remember certain people (brian) and get very excited that they were coming as well. The morning of Nate's bday brunch he actually seemed a little overwhelmed, but once we were set up, he walked right on over to the food table and grabbed himself a cupcake.
Then he plopped himself down on a blanket and proceeded to get started with the feasting.
Not long after he started on his cupcake, he helped himself to a donut. Followed by some Cap N'Crunch. What can I say, it was his birthday...
He loved hanging out with all four of his grandparents and his aunts and uncles...
Nate and his buddy Ben just crack each other up. They had the best time. Here they are rolling the Thomas pinata over on the grass.
Nate's friend Casey came too! The kids table was actually a total hit. I thought the kids would be at the playground the whole time, but they were pretty content to eat and play with playdough. Nate's new Thomas tent was a big winner as well.
Nate figured out his first pinata pretty quickly. Wait, I get to swing my bat and then I get candy? This is awesome...
Here are some close up shots of my table and cereal bar. I can't really take much credit. Most of my ideas were stolen from the blogsphere.
We had to wrap up the party for naptime, but us grownups retired back to our house for more eating (oink, oink, I know) and some football. When Nate woke up he got to open his presents. He is just like his mom...he HATES opening gifts : )
We wrapped up the birthday madness with Nate's actual birthday on Sunday. Mimi came over to make Nate chocolate chip pancakes and I made him a smoothie. He really really loves smoothies.
We also took him to the park. I think he had fun, but he needs a playmate. Good thing he is going to have a little brother in two months!